domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2012

Proyecto ERA-NET SusFOOD y research topics (PYMES murcianas)

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El Instituto de Fomento ha sido elegido para formar parte de una EraNet llamada SUStainable FOOD (SUSFOOD) financiada a través del 7º Programa Marco de la Unión Europea sobre producción y consumo de alimentos sostenibles. En el caso de que los proyectos se presenten a la convocatoria de EraNet SUSFOOD, la financiación de los mismos se obtendrá a través del programa de ayudas de CDTI (Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial), cuyas novedades también se expondrán durante esta mesa de trabajo.

Nuestro equipo de investigación de la UPCT puede participar en esta convocatoria que lanza el INFO como subcontratada de las PYMES que participen.

Research topics
The following eight research topics have been gone through the prioritizing process of SUSFOOD and are proposed for the research topics of SUSFOOD ERA-NET mutual research, with the definition to the 5 and 10-15 years research needs under the topics, are specified below.

1. Policy coherence and alternative business strategies to make sustainable food an easy choice for consumers – policy coherence is a research need that should be met in the nearest future, in 5 years, transforming business strategies is a research priority for 10-15 years.

2. Interdisciplinary research approach to innovative functional design of food products and support for registration of novel products – a first-hand need (5 years) might be introduction of interdisciplinary approach to functional design of food products, a need for longer period (5-10 years) would be research on redesign of processes with strong interdisciplinary approach.

3. Redesign input, waste and side flow strategies to increase resource efficiency and provide added value in food processing, manufacture etc. – this research need should most evidently include single process operations and full chain redesign; piloting and simulation of redesign processes could be a research need for 5 years, and wider implementation of redesign processes a research need for 10-15 years.

4. Harmonization of the methods and metrics for integrated assessment of sustainability of food products and food patterns, including nutritional, environmental, social and economic impacts – extensive measuring sustainability of the products and development of methods could be the first hand research need for 5 years, and measuring sustainability of consumption and food patterns, a research need for 10-15 years.

5. Innovation in food processing technologies: flexible and innovative processes and automation techniques – developing novel processes in a continuum from short (5 years) to long term (10-15 years) and smart (self-monitoring, analysing, reporting) technologies a long term (10-15 years) research need.

6. Connection between stakeholders of food system: multi-stakeholder approach to food system (re)design, open innovation, orientation and service design involving companies and linkage to corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies as well as co-creation processes through the food chain and prosumerism - with this topic a research need for a shorter period (5 years) could have an emphasis on developing approach methods, such as open innovation service design and co-creation and research need for longer period (10-15 years) a system re-design.

7. Shaping consumer behaviour and food choice: Socio-economic, cross-cultural and individual variations, inclusive barriers and drivers to adopting healthy and sustainable diets, attitudes and relationships as well as the role of formal and informal education and social learning (life-long learning) in relation to consumer behaviour. – The first most evident need is researching behaviour and developing formal and informal education (5 years). A longer time research need (10-15 years) concerns merely barriers and drivers linked to the research need of topic 6.

8. Integration of information systems for personalised and sustainable choices; based on genetic predispositions (nutrigenetics) and other personal preferences and real time availability of nutritional information and sustainability information to support informed choices (personalised and societies) - here the most obvious research need for a shorter period (5 years) would include research and development of databases, and a research need for a longer period (10-15 years) would include integration.

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